
Finland day 1!

Finally I’m in Espoo (near Helsinky), but at the moment pretty tired. Some things kept me awake during the past few nights. It wasn’t beer this time…. Last night it was my backpack, but I managed to pack it in time with no things missing so far.

After my arrival I took the bus to the main train station. There I met with Matti, who brought me to my flat. It is a nice place. Very clean, which isn’t a surprise when it was inhabited by three girls during the last term. I don’t want to raise a certain general impression, but I do think they deserve a compliment. What also comes in handy is that the apartment is at about 5 walking minutes distance from the biggest shopping mall in the area. If I might believe Matti the best library is behind this mall, where renting a dvd costs only 50 eurocents!

Anyway, I’ve unpacked my bag, bought a phone-number and bought some food to survive the Sunday. Tonight I need to read a bit about the university and the area around Espoo and Helsinky. Sports, friends and exams were keeping me busy the past weeks, so I didn’t take the time to prepare myself……….well not enough.

Yes I’ve met my roommates and some other people including a Dutch person, but I’m not going to tell you anything about my preconceived opinions. First I need to figure out myself what kind a “at 16:00 eating pasta with egg and beer for breakfast – from ‘central Europe’ coming – can’t shake your hand – I have Amsterdam flag on my wall” for person is.


  1. Hey Koen!

    ik doe het gewoon in het Nederlands hoor, anders verleer je dat straks ;) Goed om te horen dat je goed bent aangekomen. Succes met het verder voorbereiden!

    Groeten uit De Wilgenhof

  2. Wat een mooie namen op die kaart trouwens :)

  3. Haa Koen!

    Gaaf verhaaltje weer ;)

